Principal's Message...

The vision for CapitaHQ was formed in 2018 following a long career in investment management technology sales across Asia & Australia/NZ.  After working alongside institutional investment teams and seeing first hand how technology could solve workflow problems, save time by reducing manual tasks across portfolio management & trading, enhance data, reporting & compliance and improve overall investment due diligence,  I sought out leading solution providers to partner with.

The demand for regional sales representation of leading global solution providers is growing, with Australia & NZ’s retirement assets to exceed three trillion.  Solution providers need to be actively engaged with local allocators, asset managers, wealth managers & investment banks in the region to win business over large established vendors with dedicated sales teams.  Asia can also be daunting for some US & European based solution providers.

The right combination of leading edge technology, professional engagement with prospective customers and CapitaHQ as a trusted partner to deliver results, is a compelling value proposition.

Nathan Walker

Our Mission




Hong Kong

Empowering fintech vendors to successfully win business in the APAC Investment management industry by providing in-region sales as a service solutions.

Building strong and lasting relationships with our partners to understand their unique fintech offerings to create tailored sales strategies to maximise success.

Being recognised by the investment management industry as a trusted advisor to power innovation across their investment and operational teams.

Driving growth and innovation in the financial industry by connecting local investment management firms with cutting-edge fintech solutions from around the world.